6 Compelling Reasons to Use Wood Products in your Home

Choosing the right materials for your home can be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make because this is something that you will have to live with and look at for a very long time.

So whether you’re renovating an old place, or building a new one from scratch, it’s vital to pick the right choice that looks classy and stylish, without having to break the bank. Quality is also important so you don’t run into problems which cause more expenses.

Wood is a material that is abundant in nature. It is a go-to building material that everyone is familiar with. Not only does it have the capacity to add beauty to a home, but it’s also quite flexible, durable, and eco-friendly. Here are six compelling reasons why you should invest in using wood in your home:

1. Can’t Beat That Natural Look

Think of Yosemite National park or the Amazon Rain Forest. Those places have the capability to wow just about anyone. That’s because the human eyes are hard wired to appreciate nature.

The same applies to wood, which is a natural element gifted by mother earth. Wood that has undergone meticulous installation and proper maintenance can easily take the center stage in your homes.

From magnificent doors, wooden planks, unique furniture, or even a wooden wall accent, these wood products have the ability to give warmth, elegance, and beauty into your home. You can even opt to not stain or finish the wood to show its natural shine.  

2. Sustainable and Eco-friendly

Studies indicate that trees, along with wood products, are known to store carbon. This lessens the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

Climate change is endemic, and perhaps, this is one little way where in it can be addressed. Moreover, legally sourced wood that’s been responsibly harvested promotes sustainability.

Plantation forests that are reputable, operating with the proper permits, ensure that whatever is taken will be replaced. Scour your wood source from legit shops because they promote the fine art of enjoying the earth’s fruits without hurting it in the process. It is a win-win for everyone.  

Also, check out this video on How to WOW with Wood Walls:

3. Durable

Many wooden antique pieces of furniture have lasted for decades. You can see pieces coming from the 18th century, still alive and looking just as pristine as the day they were made.

Without a doubt, treated wood that has been properly installed can last for many years. This quality makes it a cost-efficient choice for any home project.

The beauty about wood is that it can be used for both interior and exterior projects, allowing its natural elegance to be a focal point for your home.

4. Flexible

Wood is one of the most versatile materials available. It is so versatile and flexible that it can be incorporated into any home in many different ways.

From a Victorian, Minimalist, Modern, or Mediterranean style, wood can complete the design element and look that you have in mind. On top of that, wood can be used in a variety of ways inside the home: from flooring, wall accents, bed frames, baseboards, kitchen tables, cabinets, dressers, etc. The list just goes on and on.  

5. Easy to Maintain

Wood is fuss free and very easy to maintain. No need for special chemicals to clean it. In fact, to preserve its beauty, refrain from using cleaning agents with harsh ingredients so as not to alter and destroy the finishing of your wood product.

Actually, all you need is a soft cloth to take out the dirt from the surface. If you have wooden floors, be mindful not to drag any furniture; otherwise, the floor might be damaged. Wood is rather maintenance free, but it doesn’t mean you can treat it harshly either.  

6. Abundant

This material is abundant and readily available in any home improvement store. Once you’ve decided to use wood for your home building needs or renovation projects, it is now important to find a reputable source at a fair price, but will not break up any forests with their sustainable and responsible practices.  

Jessica Wheeler

Jessica is an east coast native who found her way to Austin, Texas. When she’s not writing about furniture or interior design topics, you’ll find her scoping out cute coffee shops, binge-watching a good Netflix show, or spending a Sunday in the park with her dog Ruffles.